Sunday, April 28, 2024

May Day: Facing the Crises of Genocide, Global War and the Destruction of Our Planet!


Walking in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, on April 16. Agence France-Presse

The Gaza genocide, unlike past genocides like that of the Congo, is being watched on smart phones around the world. The Zionist propaganda machine reveals itself as ‘white washing’ the colonial settler state and its 75 year project of Palestinian expulsion. The Zionists claim that any criticism of the Zionist state is anti-semitic and based on Jew hatred. This lie has been exposed in the streets in ten thousand demonstrations around the world where anti-Zionist Jews join arm in arm with Palestinians and their millions of supporters to oppose the genocide. 

The Western world bourgeois regimes have lined up behind the genocidal strategy, while the rest of the world is screaming its support for the Palestinian bourgeois democratic right to self-determination. The means to fight genocide is limited only by the fact that workers lack a world party of socialist revolution which turns Palestinian national liberation into the cause for the global overthrow of the rotten and corrupt capitalist system which can survive only by means of genocide. The crisis of the survival of humanity as a whole comes down to the crisis of revolutionary leadership of the working class, ending capitalism and creating a socialist world.

In Israel, the U.S. and Germany, traditionally protected democratic rights to protest and speak out are being denied to students, academics and activists. Academics with tenure have been fired, suspended and hounded out of the profession. Student protesters are arrested and suspended from schools and universities and solidarity activists are targeted by the state and denied the right to speak to public forums.

Sustained protests for the duration of the genocide is radicalizing youth, many of whom were already politicized during the Black Lives Matter uprising and the strike wave that followed the end of the lockdown. This generation has already witnessed the false hope of the Democratic Socialists of America corralling activists as a left fringe of the imperialist Democratic Party. Kim Moody of Labor Notes writes in New Politics the electoral enthusiasm around Sanders and the Squad has faded as measured in hard currency contributions of small donors! It is past time to break with the capitalist parties of war, racism, sexism and strikebreaking!

As Marxists, we reject bourgeois pragmatism which began with genocide in the 16th century on the basis of racism and sexism. We reject electoralism which cannot cover up for genocide in Ukraine and Palestine. We defend the fundamental democratic right of youth to take to the streets and we recruit them to our PMP (proletarian military policy) alongside the ranks of the unions who need to organize self-defense militias against the state forces of imperialist powers of a system that is in its death agony. We know that class consciousness cannot blossom short of the lived experience of workers in struggle. And for that they need a political party that unites them on the basis of their common interest as workers creating the wealth, against racism, sexism and nationalism  which the ruling class uses to divide and destroy our class.

By organizing our class in fighting labor parties we will destroy the hold of pragmatism, electoralism and divisions in our ranks and build a revolutionary movement. One capable of smashing the imperialist states and their proxies to raise up workers’ governments around the world that will expropriate the centuries of stolen wealth to build a socialist society. An egalitarian society which restores the harmony between humans and nature and creates the conditions for the survival of our planet.

Only fatalists think it will happen by itself! Even the capitalists’ spy agencies know better; that’s why they target the organizers of the workers and oppressed. We need an army of such organizers and leaders, a party to train them, and a class struggle that demonstrates its own power, independent and based on workers’ democracy! To begin, in the Unions we need class struggle caucuses that redirect the memberships’ thought and action away from class collaboration and to actions implementing a transitional program. These caucuses will fight to replace the class collaborators with ever more militant vanguard layers.

Only Trotsky’s Transitional Program for Permanent Revolution can arm the international working class to resolve the accelerating global terminal crisis of capitalism in decay. Unable to reverse the system in its terminal decline, the capitalist rulers have blown through every global warning marker. Oceans are warming, the poles are melting, reefs are dying, fisheries are depleted, climate systems change faster than the infrastructure designed for the 19th-20th centuries can be patched up by the capitalist grafters. The contending imperialist powers have turned trade wars into proxy wars over control of resources, markets and for strategic advantage. No surprise these rivalries are catastrophic for populations who find themselves in the way.

The Ukraine, Taiwan and Israeli regimes are wholly dependent on U.S.A. funding. The NATO encirclement of Russia is backfiring as the Ukrainian proxy regime is running short of ammunition and troops. Troops are mutinying, swimming across the Dnieper to safety. ‘Slava Ukraine’ is close to collapse as more men escape abroad rather than die in the meat grinder. Israel’s fragility is exposed; it is dependent on the U.S.A./UE (European Union) and NATO for both arms and defense. It cannot get away with its genocide of Palestine without the collaboration of the U.S.A. and the UE. Taiwan, despite its recognition as part of China, has been taken over and militarily occupied by the U.S. as a new proxy for the coming war: with China, Korea, Japan, the Philippines and the AUKUS partners mobilizing for war, coming perhaps as soon as next year.

In the imperialist nations vital resources are channeled away from social programs and into military production. In the U.S.A. the equivalent amount of the entire national debt has been spent on the military budget since 2000. Despite the enormous outlay, Russia has fought the US/NATO proxy Ukraine to a standstill in what is an inter-imperialist conflict. The $95 billion just allotted for wars in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan by the bi-partisan neocon cabal in Washington can’t match Russian missile production, let alone sustain Israel in a regional war. Those billions will never be more than a digital blip on Ukraine or Israel’s financial radar; the profits will go to Raytheon, Boeing, Rand, GE and the military industrial complex.

In the semi-colonies a national bourgeois comprador class participates in the imperialist parasitism perilously navigating between the declining USA/EU bloc and the rising China/Russia bloc. To the imperialists they offer the resources of the nation and the working class chained to the factory floor and broken by their ideological servants in media, academia, the union leaderships and the reformist and centrist parties. The economic crisis and imperialist competition expresses itself acutely in semi colonies. The burden of the capitalist system failing to counteract the Law of Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall (LTRPTF) compounded by the necessary imperialist dynamic to dump the burden of the crisis on semi-colonies makes the working class in these countries super exploited.

South Africa, is threatened with sanctions for exposing the Gaza genocide to the world at the International Court of Justice. The sanctions only drive South Africa deeper into the China camp. The ANC and its left flank are hoping to attract Chinese investments which they then sell as ‘win-win’ deals to the masses as a path to a progressive form of state socialism modeled on China. U.S. imperialism responds by preparing for a ‘color revolution’ (HR 7256) backing the Democratic Alliance Party. Across the globe the workers, small farmers and oppressed are caught in a tug of war between these great powers!

In Zimbabwe, the state is attacking workers through capturing the dominant faction of the main trade union federation by enacting a Labour Amendment Act that criminalizes calling for and organizing collective job action. The state is maintaining a multi-currency system that they, together with business, manipulate to pay slave wages, giving the Chinese license and encouragement to disregard labor and environmental rights. Now they are introducing a new currency based on the theft of the value of workers incomes and savings. This goes along with the continued crackdown on basic worker rights to organize and strike and increased authoritarianism in defense of capitalist production with looting and corruption by the comprador bourgeoisie.

The rise of China as an imperialist state has found expression in the southern African region through fake anti-imperialist stances camouflaging the ongoing exploitation of labor power and the environment. Workers in the region must organize independently of both wings of imperialism and move beyond the collaborationist union leaders and bureaucrats through building shop floor controlled action bodies prepared to utilize tried and tested working class methods.

Imperialism is a death sentence for the workers of the world and only we can stop it! To do so we need our own political party, one based on working class political independence, based on our class experience of how labor is exploited by capitalism and how only class struggle and a transitional political program can resolve the crisis by building worker organizations to smash the capitalist state and create workers’ governments. Now is the moment to build a fighting workers-labor party and the revolutionary workers international needed to lead and coordinate the class struggle.

Our transitional program rejects the ideologies of pragmatism, patriarchy and post-modernism as the decadent genocidal culture of a dying capitalism throwing up and turbocharging all the old crap of past crimes against humanity. We reject racism, sexism and national chauvinism and denounce it as counter revolutionary. We affirm the positions of the Bolsheviks; down with Eurocentric white supremacy, national chauvinism of all shades, and the historic oppression of women. We build on the rich legacy of the historic collectivist struggles of slaves, women, peasants and workers in our struggle today. Workers and oppressed everywhere have the power and the will to resist and fight back.

The horror of the Zionist Israeli state violence against the Palestinian people cannot be stopped through moralist appeals to the parasitic exploiter class or their politicians! We need coordinated international actions: mass protests and worker actions such as labor political strikes, hot-cargoing of imperialist war goods to Israel, and sit-down strikes in the war industries. Workers parties, as part of a new Workers International, would organize and coordinate these actions on a world scale. But first we need to build our own mass revolutionary workers parties in every country to marshall the resources of the working class and poor farmers as one fist rather than atomized, decentralized, and apolitical protests sucked into single-issue dead ends and diversions in election years.

Independent workers parties and a workers’ international are needed that will take the rich historical lessons of the workers movement and encapsulate these lessons into a political program of transitional demands based on the method of Trotsky’s Fourth International that recognises the necessity for socialist revolution to halt the rush to extinction. For our class and species, we demand a future! For workers to live, imperialism must die!

Free Palestine!

Victory to Palestine! Defend the Palestinians! Drop all charges and free all Palestinian solidarity protesters! Down with Israel and theocracy! For a Socialist, federated West Asia!

We need to convene a new Zimmerwald to build a revolutionary opposition to inter-imperialist wars such as Ukraine and to agitate for dual defeatism to turn these wars into class wars at home against our “own” imperialist and proxy ruling classes.

Not one person, not one penny for the imperialist militaries! Billions for public works! Jobs for all through a 30 hour workweek at 40 hours pay! For a 100% cost of living increase linked to inflation!

For free quality healthcare, childcare, housing and education! For free abortion on demand! For women’s liberation through socialism!

The capitalists will only ever offer exploitation, war, racism, poverty, climate catastrophe…and fascism as their last line of defense. We need a Workers’ Government based on workers councils and defended by a workers militia to smash capitalism and carry out the tasks of building a socialist future.

For the nationalization without indemnification of the commanding heights of industry under democratic workers control as part of a centralized, planned world socialist economy.

Build Revolutionary Workers Parties and a new Revolutionary Workers International! For the World Socialist Revolution! Workers of the World Unite!

International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency (ILTT), 04/25/2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

Smash the Genocidal Zionist state! U.S.A. Hands off Iran! U.S. Imperialists Out of West Asia, Now! The tail does not wag the dog! Stop funding Israel! Zionists Out of Gaza and the West Bank Now!

An MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter lifts off from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln as it transits the Strait of Hormuz off the waters of Iran [File: US Navy/Reuters]

Netanyahu has been trying to drag the U.S. into its ongoing ‘shadow war’ against Iran for decades. The U.S. wants its war with Iran but on its own terms, economic isolation, limited proxy engagements, shots across the bow, tepid challenges for sea lanes. None but the most flagrant neocons want tit-for-tat sparring  to escalate to full blown and  potentially nuclear warfare. Yet today sectors of the Israeli establishment seriously consider the Samson Option. The west holds its breath as Netanyahu’s war cabinet considers its options. 

The working class needs its own intervention to stop the escalation towards WWIII! The UN and International Court of Justice have proven themselves as feckless talk shops of the imperialist dominated by ‘world order’ which negate any independent action of the Global South.  Today workers and oppressed people need a New Zimmerwald to organize an internationalist class struggle against war and the root cause of war today–capitalist exploitation at home and imperialist oppression abroad.   

By bombing the Iranian embassy in Syria and killing General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Israel  provoked Iran in hopes of a retaliation of measured proportion which would stiffen the  U.S.  resolve. Losing the media war, Israel needs to turn world attention away from the genocide in Gaza and to  reassert  its role as the primary victim of irrational international anti-semitism. Zionism’s war has  exposed its character as the bulldog of western imperialism  so it  needs  to change the world’s conversation from its attempt to drive Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, to the Iranian response. Never mind the fact that bombing the embassy violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations article 22, which made the premises of foreign missions inviolable. 

Invoking Article 51, Iran responded on April 13,th 2024 by hitting Israel with dozens of drone and missile strikes targeting military installations, emphasizing their adherence to rules of engagement by not targeting civilian populations. The U.S. and UK responded as could be expected placing the blame on Iran and employing its resources to shield Israel from the incoming. This of course stands in stark contrast to the fact that they not only stood by failing to protect the civilians of Gaza while Israel bombed them, but continued to provide arms and logistical support to the Zionist aggressors even after having been exposed in the international court of Justice. 

Western media brushes aside the provocation attempting to rally international outrage at Iran–as if history started yesterday! This won’t work in the Global South! The masses are applauding Iran’s action and have been hoping someone would intervene on behalf of the Palestinians!  Of course, Iran will not press on to liberate Palestine, citing violations of their sovereignty as cause.  In an alignment of forces even the Arab theocracies which are today navigating the space between the Chinese and U.S. imperialisms do not speak for their own people  while they close their air space to Iranian overflights, distancing themselves from the Iranian action. 

The hawkish Democratic Party, dominated by the neocons in Washington, are committed to the defense of Israel regardless of the 34,000 dead in Gaza. Arms keep flowing despite the feigned outrage at the deaths of a few aid workers! Biden feels the pressure on the campaign trail as Democratic party events are being disrupted by Palestine Solidarity activists  and his government stands accused of participation in the genocide by arming the Zionist settler state. Netanyahu, observing the backpedaling of the  U.S., has been stoking the fires of regional war, cashing in on the  U.S.  promise of unconditional defense and catching Biden in the crosshairs. Trump, sniping from the sidelines, claims this would never have happened on his watch. 

Biden, losing in the polls, has made gestures to counter the Arab American community’s  campaigns of withholding votes in  the Democratic primary. Netanyahu also wants to stay in office to stay out of jail and could not let Biden play big daddy and broker an unwanted peace. Provoking war with Iran is a gambit to pull Biden off the fence. But the U.S. does not want nuclear war and knows the unhinged Netanyahu with fantasies of Biblical proportions could cross that trip wire. No doubt after Iran took its shot, Biden was on the horn with Netanyahu trying to calm the whole affair down. Biden lost Afghanistan, or so the story goes….he does not want to lose Israel, at least before the election. The next few hours will be a walk back from the brink. But the masses in the streets want a resolution that ends the genocide in Gaza and the accelerating pogroms and occupations in the West Bank. So neither Biden nor Netanyahu can resolve the contradictions that are foremost in front of the world today. The Zionist colonial settler state must be smashed. For workers revolution and a socialist Palestine! For a Socialist Federation of West Asia!

The terminal decline of capitalism offers up a cesspool of the most reactionary ideas. Ideas which the ‘forward thinking’ intelligentsia presumed were shadows of a long buried past are today normalized in the rantings of Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Trump and and even many old fashioned liberal Democrats.  They dehumanize oppressed people from Haiti to Gaza as pests, gangsters and terrorists. This is awkwardly reminiscent of how every oppressor throughout history has demonized the oppressed! 

Zionism is losing the propaganda war because the mainstream media is rigged by its corporate owners in favor of imperialism, and everyone knows it, so they can no longer maintain the hypocrisy that white supremist colonialist regimes are forces of democracy! 

Israel is a puppet state which cannot survive without the U.S. backing. The  U.S. won’t swat them down because it is the U.S. aircraft carrier on land in the region. It stands as a bulwark against the regional powers and serves to divide the Arab nations and their Iranian neighbors. Israel serves to keep the national bourgeoisie of the neighboring nations tied to imperialism and committed to stopping the masses from advancing the permanent revolution and winning socialism by defeating imperialism. 

Israel is an occupier founded upon the mutual interest of Western Imperialist intention to control Arab oil and Jewish  capitalists’  class  interests.  

Palestine is the last of the 20thC. settler colonial states in struggle for its liberation. 75 years of determined struggle hardened ideological lines on both sides. 

So we need an international proletarian military policy to turn war in Palestine into war against the actual puppet master, the U.S. ruling class, and all the other imperialist governments who support the Zionist Israeli state. In the unfolding war between the U.S. proxy Israel and Iran we stand for the unconditional military defense of Iran without giving any political support to its theocratic capitalist regime.  

Build  the mass actions in solidarity with Palestine and Iran up into labor struggles internationally against the imperialist backers of Israel (USA, UK, France, Germany and their proxies Ukraine etc). Create teach-ins at every labor council, to debate Palestine in front of the working class.  Fight for the political independence of the working class! Give no votes to capitalist and popular front parties!

Win the workers movement to political strikes in defense of the Palestinians, against the arming of Israel and against all Israeli and imperialist military actions. Block military shipments. Dockers must initiate strikes to refuse loading Israeli  commercial ships and hot cargo and divert military and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. This is how anti-imperialist workers must turn the imperialist proxy war into a class war at home! 

Propagandize the soldiers, sailors and airmen; show them the facts that they are to be used for genocide in order to hold back the working masses and keep oil profits flowing between the comprador bourgeois oil barrons and big western oil interests. 

Victory to the Palestine Resistance!  Defeat the IDF! Defend Iran! Build revolutionary workers’ parties in the imperialist nations and throughout West Asia!  For a new Zimmerwald to organize against imperialist wars! For a new Workers International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution! 

International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency (ILTT), 04/14/2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

US Hands off Haiti! For a Socialist Republic in a Federation of Socialist Republics of the Americas!


Haiti is experiencing yet another moment of great instability as state power is disintegrating. Hunger and misery plague the country and armed gangs are spread across the capital, blocking roads and taking over public buildings. A consequence of centuries of control and exploitation by French and later US imperialism of the country.

Haiti had the only successful slave revolution. Its military defeat of France in 1804 sparked the wave of national independence across Latin America led by Simon Bolivar who began his struggle to ‘liberate’ Latin America from the European powers from an already liberated Haiti. 

Yet Bolivar refused to come to the aid of Haiti fearing that it might inspire workers and peasants to overthrow the Latin American bourgeoisies. Isolated without support from the Bolivariains,  Haiti was re-colonised by France and Napoleon forced the free slaves to pay the price of their freedom as part of the national debt well into the 20th century.

Imperialism and the Latin American bourgeoisies never accepted Haiti’s freedom because it stood out as the only example of a national liberation struggle led by slaves. Since that time it has suffered countless occupations and interventions by American imperialism which regarded it as the poor child on its back door step, either occupying or creating puppet governments for more than a century until the election of Aristide in 1991. The populist priest  Aristide was elected President in 1991 but ousted by a US backed military coup that same year. Another US military occupation followed and Aristide returned in 1994 to complete his term of office. Aristide was re-elected in 2000 but fell out with the US and its neoliberal policies and was forced out of the country in 2004 by a US/French coup.

In 2004, MINUSTAH, a US intervention fronted by the UN, militarily occupied Haiti, which lasted until 2017. Under the pretext of taking care of security, it imposed terror on the population and ensured that American companies could control oil and other resources etc without risk of democratic intervention. 

MINUSTAH was led by Brazil, which at the time was governed by Lula, a Popular Front government that served the interests of imperialism, whether at home or abroad. The general that Lula sent to command MINUSTAH in Haiti was the general who later became Bolsonaro's right-hand man in his government.

Haiti is the historic expression of naked capitalist barbarism from colonisation in the 15th C to its terminal crisis today. It turns the imperialist narrative of the civilizing mission on its head when slaves were the only exploited class to win freedom from bourgeois rule. In a time of decadence in American imperialism, which is in dispute with rising Chinese imperialism, the USA intends to hold on to Haiti at all costs. Through the UN, it is trying to create a security force in Haiti that appears to be independent of the hated US and UN occupations. Its attempt to use Kenyan police officers is opposed both in Kenya and in the Global South. In Haiti, the rebels have rejected all external intervention outright.

In the face of all imperialist exploitation and attacks, workers and poor people in Haiti have always resisted. Today, many of the gangs that the media demonizes are organizations that were formed in neighborhoods for self-defense against state abuse and crime. One of those who is recognized as the main leader of the popular revolution, Jimmy Cherizier, who has united a number of territorial ‘gangs’ into the G6 which fights corruption and crime and seeks to organise all the working masses in an armed struggle. 

Cherizier makes it clear that he is fighting against the foreign intervention that has led the country to misery and chaos for decades. Tired of government leaders who are just puppets of imperialism, he demanded the departure of the US favoured Prime Minister Ariel Henry and prevented his return to Haiti. He is now fighting the installation by the US of a Presidential Transition Council that is not elected by the people and does not represent them.

We support the rebels who take up arms and resist imperialist domination and the national bourgeoisie who only follow orders from their international leaders. It is a basic democratic right to rebel against hunger, famine, poverty, lack of infrastructure and corruption that plague the country. 

We strongly oppose the demonisation of working class rebels like Cherizier as ‘criminals’ and ‘terrorists’ on the part of the bourgeoisie and the fake Left. It is patronizing and racist to label the descendants of revolutionary slaves as doomed to fight among themselves and incapable of resisting their oppressors. The duty of the revolutionary left is to come to the aid of such incipient armed anti-imperialist rebellions and fight for their national self-determination. 

It is also the duty of the revolutionary left to win the resistance to the permanent revolution for a socialist republic and prevent the revolution being overwhelmed by the bourgeois counter-revolution. Haiti was betrayed by the first Bolivarian revolution and now by the second of Castro/Chavez. The G6 led by Cherizier needs to advance towards the organization of workers and poor peasants into armed committees who make this fight in an organized and classist way. Haiti has no way out of the barbarism it finds itself in without the seizure of power, the expropriation of the bourgeoisie and the expulsion of imperialism.

It is necessary to build a party of world revolution that guides workers in this moment of instability that affects countries around the world, especially in the global south. The so-called global south means the semi-colonial countries exploited and controlled by imperialism and which today are suffering the instability of a world order in which the decadence of the USA puts it directly in dispute with the ascending imperialisms of China and Russia, transmitted to the semi-colonies and moving towards a new world war.

We are for a new Zimmerwald to bring together a revolutionary left and build a program of transition to socialism for the working and poor masses in the struggle for the world revolution. A revolutionary leadership that fights Castro-Chavism as a counter-revolutionary force that prevents class independence and leads workers to an International Popular Front with the Chinese imperialist bloc and to die in inter-imperialist wars.

For class independence, for the World Party of Socialist Revolution based on Trotsky's Transitional Program! For Permanent Revolution!